In Denton Police are Providing Text Updates

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In Denton Police are Providing Text Updates

KXAS-TV reported on November 24, 2020, that the Denton Police Department was launching text updates for 911 callers. The department said text messages powered by the SPIDR Tech platform will be automatically sent in English and Spanish when certain incidents are reported by mobile phone to 911, such as a barking dog or a theft, starting this week.

An additional notification can occur if there is a delay in dispatching an officer, police said. Police said in the interest of public safety, various call types requiring an immediate public safety response for health and well-being like 911 hang-ups, sexual assaults, and domestic disturbances will not trigger a notification.

The platform will also send a follow-up notification to crime victims to ensure they have important case reference information based on the type of call received. SPIDR Tech will also help to enhance the services provided by Denton police, Animal Services, and Public Safety Communications.

On November 22, 2020, the Denton Record-Chronicle reported that the city’s technology services budget will make room for Spidr Tech, a company that designed technology for law enforcement agencies to send texts to the communities they serve. For Denton, that means providing 911 callers with text updates on their calls whether they called 911 for a crime or a stray dog.

The texts, which can be sent in both English and Spanish, can help both the community and the Police Department. 911 callers can receive a message when an officer is on the way to respond to their call, and the city’s public safety departments can view feedback if the caller chooses to provide some.

Texts will also alert residents about their cases. Callers will receive texts with their report number and will be notified once the case has been assigned to a detective for follow-up. Residents can’t respond to the texts, however, so no need to send a message thanking or cursing first responders.

The Denton Police Department already makes online police reports available to all people. In non-emergency situations, people can call (940) 349-8181 or file a police report online.

When a person calls the non-emergency number, they can request that an officer responds in person, or in some cases request that an officer return the phone call instead. According to the Pew Research Center, property crime in the United States is much more common than violent crime.

In 2019, the FBI reported a total of 2,109.9 property crimes per 100,000 people, compared with 379.4 violent crimes per 100,000 people. By far the most common form of property crime in 2019 was larceny/theft, followed by burglary and motor vehicle theft while aggravated assault was the most common offense for violent crimes, followed by robbery, rape, and murder/non-negligent manslaughter.

Common Criminal Charges in Denton, TX

When it comes to property crimes in Denton County, the most common offenses are usually burglary, criminal mischief, criminal trespass, arson, and burglary of a vehicle. A person can be charged with burglary in Texas if they enter a habitation, home or a building without the consent of the owner that is not open to the public at the time of the offense with the intent to commit a felony, theft or assault in the building; remain hidden or concealed in a building, home or habitation without the consent of the owner with the intent to commit a felony, theft or assault in the building; or enter a habitation, home or building without the consent of the owner and commit or attempt to commit a felony, theft or assault in the building.

Burglary is a state jail felony if the offense was committed in any other building besides a home, and a conviction is punishable by up to two years in state jail and/or a fine up to $10,000. Burglary is a second-degree felony if the offense was committed in a home or habitation, and a conviction is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and/or a fine up to $10,000.

Burglary may be a first-degree felony if the offense was committed in a home or habitation and the alleged offender entered the home or habitation with the intent to commit, committed or attempted to commit any other felony besides felony theft. A conviction is punishable by up to 99 years or life imprisonment and/or a fine up to $10,000.

Burglary of a vehicle is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and/or a fine of up to $4,000. People with two prior convictions could face state jail felony charges.

Arson charges may range from state jail felony all the way to first-degree felony depending on the amount of damage caused. A person commits an arson offense if they start a fire, regardless of whether the fire continues after ignition, or cause an explosion with intent to destroy or damage any vegetation, fence, or structure on open-space land; or any building, habitation, or vehicle, knowing that it is within the limits of an incorporated city or town; knowing that it is insured against damage or destruction; knowing that it is subject to a mortgage or other security interest; knowing that it is located on property belonging to another; knowing that it has located within it property belonging to another; or when the person is reckless about whether the burning or explosion will endanger the life of some individual or the safety of the property of another.

A person also commits an arson offense if they recklessly start a fire or cause an explosion while manufacturing or attempting to manufacture a controlled substance and the fire or explosion damages any building, habitation, or vehicle. It is also an arson offense if a person intentionally starts a fire or causes an explosion and in so doing recklessly damages or destroys a building belonging to another; or recklessly causes another person to suffer bodily injury or death.

Depending on the amount of financial loss caused, criminal mischief may be a Class C misdemeanor (less than $50) all the way up to a first-degree felony ($200,000 or more). Criminal trespass is almost always a misdemeanor offense.

When it comes to commonly reported crimes, certain traffic offenses may also be reported by other people. While violent crimes may not be reported as often, people may also report certain sex crimes. People may also be more likely to report alleged DWI offenses in some cases.

Find A Denton County Defense Attorney | Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy

If you were arrested for any kind of alleged crime it will be important for you to take immediate steps to defend yourself against the criminal charges. The Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy can fight to make sure that you face as few penalties as possible for your alleged offense. Our firm will be able to thoroughly examine the evidence against you and determine the strongest possible defense options. 

Call (940) 222-8004 or contact the Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy today for a consultation about your alleged offense in Denton, Frisco, Lewisville, Flower Mound, and surrounding areas of Denton County, Texas. We can help you better understand the nature of your charges and also examine your possible defense options.
